Paid social performance marketing for high-growth, series-funded startups.

No contracts. No spend commission. Not an agency.

Consulting services providing measurable value for e-commerce businesses.
Over $100M in revenue earned for clients since 2019.
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Carissa's client logos
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  • Social Media Advertising

    Campaign Management

    Media Buying Strategy

    Performance Creative Strategy

    Content Creator Management

    Growth Marketing Advising

Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, TikTok, and Linkedin logos.

FAQs by Carissa

Let's save some time.

My e-commerce startup is bootstrapped. Can I still work with you?

Yes, I have experience working with and scaling both self-funded and investor-funded startups.

What accounts do you typically work with?

I've managed paid social for 15+ startups, ranging from account launch to media buys over $1M/month. I mainly work with D2C e-commerce startups looking to scale. Ideal accounts will be at or plan to scale to a minimum spend of $30k/month.

I generally take over and improve accounts that have been mismanaged by agencies and are unable to scale due to cost inefficiency. I can be utilized as a temporary or indefinite paid social resource.

How do you manage client communication?

I conduct weekly meetings to discuss performance, creative strategy, and action items. I also provide a custom report and agenda. Clients typically add me to their internal Slack accounts for quick, seamless communication.

What is your rate structure?

Paid social account management is a $5k/month retainer. This includes media buying strategy, in-platform execution, data-driven creative strategy, and client communication.

Supporting services, such as performance ad briefing, content creator management, growth marketing advising, and misc. project management will be charged hourly in addition to the paid social retainer.

I do not charge a percentage of media spend. A client may leave the engagement at any time, without any fees or penalties.

Does Cybershop provide creative production services?

No. I work in partnership with clients’ creative team members (in-house or freelance) to develop performance ads for paid social.

"There’s buyers and then there’s Carissa.”

Rebecca Weisbart,

COO, Female Founded

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